Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Do you write clear use cases when you begin a project? Can you explain how using a virtual world compares to typical learning modalities we've seen used in the last two decades?

For us it's essential to be able to say "so that..." We want to answer the question "why?"

The first step is to write a clear use case, but what goes in a use case? I've been around long enough to have written and reviewed many use cases and each company or team writes them differently. The point? Get to the business of writing the use
case. Don't be concerned with what goes in a use case. Read the suggested article below. It provides some detail on what to include. So, get started.

The second step is to study how the virtual world compares to typical learning modalities. You need to be able to answer the question "what's the difference?" You'll find that you become an evangalist for virtual worlds, then you'll be a skeptic, then an evangalist, and so on. Again, read the article below and get started.

Thank you for your comments and let's get to the business of collaboration.

Recipe for Success with Enterprise Virtual Worlds

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